Malaysia's Best Service Pawnshop
Monday - Saturday, 8.30am - 5.30pm | Sunday, 8.30am - 3.30pm

Pawning Silver

Pawning Silver

Fine Silver (perak asli) is also among the collateral accepted by pawn shops in the Pawnzon network. Not sure if your silver is fine silver (perak asli) or not? No need to worry, please continue reading because we will be explaining more about silver in the following section.

Types of Silver

While there are many different types of silver on the market right now, the most popular and commonly found in gold shops are usually these 2 types: Fine Silver and Sterling Silver.

Fine Silver

(Perak Asli)

Sterling Silver

(Perak Sterling)

Purity .9999/99.99% Purity .925/92.50%
Softer Harder
Not suitable for making jewellery. Usually found in the form of ingots or coins for collection and investment purposes. Suitable for making jewellery
This is the type of silver we accept

Similar to gold, although the price of silver is determined primarily by its purity, it will also be influenced by other factors such as condition, size/weight, etc.

At Pawnzon, we accept all forms of silver block and coins with the highest pawn price offer.

Call/visit any pawn shop in the Pawnzon network to get appraisals and offer prices for your silver for FREE!